live preview of Vega visualizations
Vega is a declarative language for making data visualizations. It’s bona fide awesome. Check it out.
This is a tiny tool for quickly viewing Vega visualizations, complete with live updates. You can live-code your visualization in your favorite editor. Or you can automatically see updates as new points are added to a data file---so you can watch an experiment progress in real time.
Vegalive is written for Node.js, so it’s installed with npm. Just type:
$ npm install -g vegalive
Then, go to a directory that has one of your Vega specs (i.e., .json files) and type:
$ vegalive
As the output suggests, you’ll then want to point your browser at http://localhost:4915. There you’ll see a list of JSON documents in the current directory. Click on your plot’s filename to see it rendered in glorious HTML5.
Then the magic happens:
Edit the spec in your favorite editor. Whenever you save, the plot refreshes in your browser.
Edit the data files that your visualization uses (or have another tool update them). The plot refreshes automatically.